Ban bullying in schools

Dear editor, As we approach a period of re-starting schools, some students expect it rough in schools. Bulling is not common in most schools of Rwanda but some isolated cases are evident and the people concerned know it.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dear editor,

As we approach a period of re-starting schools, some students expect it rough in schools. Bulling is not common in most schools of Rwanda but some isolated cases are evident and the people concerned know it.

Teens abusing teens, it happens every day. Yet, most of us end up just reading the article, give it some thought, rend our hearts with a little sympathy, and then move on. What happened to the superheroes of school?

The ones who stuck up for the little guy even though the aggressors were intimidating? But the reality is most of us just don’t want to get involved. What happened to integrity? Empathy? Goodwill to others?

The gangly boy standing at the corner is teasing and bulling a little boy is supposed to be brought to book. Advice to school administrators that have found it very difficult to handle is simple; get hold of the culprits and immediately expel them.

These what some people would call social misfits and can devastate life of a young person. The time has now come for our children to go to schools and those who are used to intimidations from their fellow students are having their hearts beat twice as much.

They do not feel like going to school as they have developed a phobia. It is you parents and teachers to save them from this torture. So please let us uproot any form of teasing and bulling in our schools as it is out fashioned and only left in few places in the world.
