Teachers sensitised on EAC political federation

Musanze – Head teachers representing 70 secondary schools from the Northern Province, yesterday, completed training in EAC stages of integration, including customs union, the common market protocol and political federation.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Musanze – Head teachers representing 70 secondary schools from the Northern Province, yesterday, completed training in EAC stages of integration, including customs union, the common market protocol and political federation.The teachers were equipped with information to help them sensitise students on the progress, benefits and relevancy of EAC integration.The second phase of the sensitisation campaign organized by the Ministry of East African Community Affairs (MINEAC) in collaboration with Ministry of Education and Local Government will sensitise all head teachers. "One of the objectives of MINEAC is to lead the widening and deepening of the EAC integration process to promote the development goals of Rwanda and the region, and teachers are considered opinion leaders,’’ said Amanda Kayumba, an official from the ministry.The teachers were provided with sensitisation materials on Customs Union, Common Market Protocol and EAC treaties, for their school libraries‘’We shall be ambassadors to the community on the importance of EAC regional integration that it calls for everybody’s involvement in order to reap from the benefits of integration,’’ said Fidel Nkurikiyinka, head teacher Muhoza SS.The teachers said that the EAC will help open up opportunities within the education sector, support study courses of their preference, and help in knowledge transfer."The former EAC bloc disintegrated because there was no involvement of the local people. We can now see opportunities here, we can now further our studies, in any country. The education sector is an important component,’’ said Theogene Mvuyekure, head teacher of Bumalu SS.  The workshop, on the stages of integration of EAC, involved all head teachers from all provinces.