Editorial: Care for Others

Friends have always been a part of everyone’s life. From the time children start to speak, they begin to make new friends with the people they spend a lot of time with.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friends have always been a part of everyone’s life. From the time children start to speak, they begin to make new friends with the people they spend a lot of time with. Children continue to make friends as they grow into older people.This means that friendship is a very important part of everybody’s life. Friends are people we laugh with, talk to and play with when we are happy and when we are sad. This means that at all times friends love and help one another. Even though this is so true, children need to learn how to extend their love to those who are not loved, for example; the orphans, street children, and the needy. They too need to be loved. Instead of hurting these children by laughing at them when they are hungry and tired, i encourage all children to extend a loving hand towards them. Children should love one another in order to uplift each other, i encourage one another and help one another. This is called true friendship. This is the kind of God-given friendship that lasts in both hard times and good times.This week I encourage all children to love one another and remember that, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed.’