How to fit in at your new school

A new school can be scary and intimidating and fitting in isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With a few simple strategies, a little bit of effort, a few hours of your day and a positive attitude you’ll be fitting in at your new school in no time.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A new school can be scary and intimidating and fitting in isn’t always easy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. With a few simple strategies, a little bit of effort, a few hours of your day and a positive attitude you’ll be fitting in at your new school in no time.Don’t be shy! This is easier said than done for many people but it is essential. Even if you are painfully shy by nature you are in a new environment and nobody at your new school knows about your bashfulness. So put on a big smile and start out by being friendly to everybody around you.Introduce yourself to people after finding a seat in class. Sit down in a place where you feel comfortable and make it a point to say hello to the people sitting near you.Find the type of people you were friends with in your old school (people you will feel comfortable with) and approach them. Ask if you can join them for lunch or pair up with somebody from that group. Believe it or not the majority of teens are more than happy to make a new friend.Join a club or a team. This is the easiest way to meet people at a new school (or meet new people at your old school) because organized events are a much more casual setting than the classroom. You have a chance to spend time with peers who have similar interests to yours and you get to bond with them in a more laid back environment.  Don’t be afraid to stand out. If you are good at a certain sport or do well in a certain subject don’t be afraid to show it. People are drawn to people with talent and stifling yours to avoid being a show-off will only end up slowing you down. So if you have a special talent or skill, make it known.Try to fit in by observing the positive norms at your school. If your new school is a big football school, become a fan. If your school is more academically inclined then join a study group. Find out what makes your school tick and join in the fun.I guarantee you total happiness and joy if you follow my advise because I also faced the same situation when I joined my new school but believe me, I am now one the happiest teens at school due to the positive spirit. Otherwise I wish you all the best at your new school.