How to get along with your dorm-mates

Among the many advantages of studying in a boarding school is the opportunity to mature and grow up with kids your age, learn about independence, responsibility and how to make good decisions in life.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Among the many advantages of studying in a boarding school is the opportunity to mature and grow up with kids your age, learn about independence, responsibility and how to make good decisions in life.Although studying while staying at school is a good thing, many students hate to have to share dormitories with kids they don’t know well or even like.One of the biggest problems many boarding students face is getting along with their dorm-mates. Quarrels and disagreements are common. Arguments over space and possessions are frequent. It can be really stressful but it shouldn’t be the case.I know being roommates at this age is very hard.  A person can be irresponsible and not clean the dorm, or forget to shut the window when it rains. Learning how to get along with someone who irritates or annoys you is tough, but there is a strategy you can use to make life easier for you all. First and foremost, respect each other’s possessions and space because you are all new to the concept of sharing with a stranger so it’s important that you give each other space and not treat another’s belongings with disrespect.  Secondly, don’t make up groups in the dormitory. Treat every person equally rather than discriminating or isolating someone. Don’t get mad over small issues but also don’t ignore the big stuff, for example if your dorm mates keep helping themselves to your toothpaste, make it a point that it is polite to ask. A gentle reminder that it is sold at the canteen is probably enough. A dorm mate who continually takes advantage of you and your things is clearly self-centered and ground rules are required. Be polite and courteous at all times. This is tough but patience pays. Remember they are your schoolmates not life time partners so before you know it, they will be out of your face. Remember that at boarding school friends become family and the dorm is your home, not just your room. So respect your neighbors, help each other, support each other, and push each other to be greater.There are no words that can describe the people that you meet in boarding school. The people you live with, eat with, and see everyday of your life, become a huge part of your life. So treat everyone the way you’d love to be treated.