Fun facts about Pens and Pencils

We all use pens and pencils in our day to day life, whether we are taking down notes or passing notes to each other during a boring class. Here are some facts about these wonderful instruments that will surprise you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Pens and pencils

We all use pens and pencils in our day to day life, whether we are taking down notes or passing notes to each other during a boring class. Here are some facts about these wonderful instruments that will surprise you.- In 1908, a man called A.C. Steward developed a press that could imprint round pencils.- A porous point pen was introduced in 1963.- In 1977, a new type of ballpoint that uses low-viscosity ink was introduced- called a Rollerball.- Plant growers’ mark their plant labels in pencil because it does not fade away in the sunlight like a pen or marker.- An unpainted pencil inserted into the soil of a potted plant can eliminate mealy bugs on plants.- Seeing a pencil in your dream indicates that you are making a temporary impact in a situation.- Dreaming that you are sharpening a pencil, suggests that you need to be more open-minded.- Most ball point pens will draw a line 4000-7500 feet long.- A typical pencil can draw a line 35 miles long or write about 45000 words.