Teenage smoking is on the rise

Being a teenager is that time when young adults attempt to learn and discover who they are. Along the way teenagers make good and bad decisions that help shape who they become.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Teens have the mind to make the right decisions.

Being a teenager is that time when young adults attempt to learn and discover who they are. Along the way teenagers make good and bad decisions that help shape who they become. Many of these experiences can be mild in scope but some cases of poor judgment can have a far reaching effect on future health. Teenage smoking is on the rise and the potential future of these teens’ health is at risk. Can teenagers trying to find themselves and fit in with friends quit a habit that can be terribly addictive? What advice is there for teen smokers who wish to quit the minute they discover they are on the wrong path?Adult smoking leveling off, but teenage smoking is on the rise. It is well documented that smoking shortens a person’s life. Tobacco smoking is the single greatest cause of preventable death globally, so programmes to reach teens should be as aggressive as the industry’s push on children who start smoking. The most common diseases associated with long term smoking are cardiovascular issues affecting the heart and lungs. Smoking is a major risk factor for heart attacks, strokes, COPD and cancer.This information makes it obvious that to continue to curb adult smoking something must be done at the teenage level when smoking begins. While numerous studies have been completed on reducing the numbers of adult smokers, little has been done to address teens.Many differences were noted for the reasons teens and adults smoke. For teens beginning to smoke, factors included: it is the norm in the peer group or rebelling against parents. For whatever reason teenagers begin to smoke it appears that counseling with exercise is a great way to switch up routine.What is clear is that the increased sense of wellbeing that exercise and counseling provide is of statistical significance in assisting teenagers who need help in smoking cessation. Increased physical activity and services may provide additional incentive to continue the non-smoking habit, but further study is needed in teenage smoking to find what works best.My fellow teens I conclude by encouraging you to be sensitive to smoking effects and take it as the wrong way of life and keep yourselves clean and safe.