Southern Sudan police rallies regional support

Musanze – A senior officer with Southern Sudan Police Services (SSPS), Col Azuma Mangar Chap, has called upon the regional states to help nurture police and security organs for Southern Sudan in order to save the country from security risks.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Musanze – A senior officer with Southern Sudan Police Services (SSPS), Col Azuma Mangar Chap, has called upon the regional states to help nurture police and security organs for Southern Sudan in order to save the country from security risks. He was speaking at the opening of an Intermediate Command and Staff Course (ICSC), for senior police officers from post conflict countries attended by police officers from, Southern Sudan, Somalia and Burundi, and organized by Rwanda National Police."We are starting from scratch. We need police skills to secure our new nation, our main challenge is insecurity, criminality and tribal conflicts. We need A hand from our neighbours of the EAC, like a child learning to stand,” Azuma. The three-month course, the first of its kind, to be conducted by Rwanda Police, is attended by 40 senior police officers, including 20 from RNP, at the National Police Academy in Musanze, Northern Province.The Minister of Internal Security, Sheik Musa Fazil Harelimana, urged the participants to use the training skills they would acquire in dealing with the emerging policing challenges, locally and internationally "This is one of the ways through which we can build professionalism, hence enhance our performance in the provision of peace and security to our countries and the entire world,” Harelimana noted. The course will focus on international humanitarian law and human rights, gender issues in policing, crime prevention and reduction strategies, police practical procedures among others. The commandant of RPA-Musanze, ACP Felix Namuhoranye, said the course will provide the participants with a package of skills and knowledge for police operational and staff duties as well as international policing issues