Entrepreneurship way forward for youth

Last week, about 120 Rwandan entrepreneurs, together with a group of Canadians met in Kigali in an effort to push forward proposals aimed at contributing towards poverty reduction, job creation, with a specific emphasis on innovation.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Last week, about 120 Rwandan entrepreneurs, together with a group of Canadians met in Kigali in an effort to push forward proposals aimed at contributing towards poverty reduction, job creation, with a specific emphasis on innovation.The first effort of this nature was launched late last year by the Ministry of Trade and Industry dubbed ‘Hanga Umurimo’, or ‘Start Your Own Business’, meant to foster  entrepreneurial spirit among Rwandan youth.The initiatives aimed at creating jobs could not have come at a better time. Experts attribute one of Rwanda’s economic challenges to the education system that is more theory oriented than one that imparts practical skills among students.These efforts therefore, contribute towards the country’s vision 2020 that includes becoming a middle income economy.The Ministry of Education should consider including entrepreneurship and basic business management skills at the lower levels of education - primary and secondary schools.This, in addition to vocational schools would offer opportunity for more youth to acquire skills that enhance entrepreneurship.And, with the increasing access to funding through various programmes such as ‘Hanga umurimo’, the youth and women are on track to become successful businesses owners.