Timeless love

Times are truly changing and we all seem to be losing touch with what it truly means to live. Living life on the fast lane has left us wanting and always somehow searching for something that I have heard most people say is missing.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Young lovers having a good time: The month of February has been tagged from time immemorial the month of love. Net Photo

Times are truly changing and we all seem to be losing touch with what it truly means to live. Living life on the fast lane has left us wanting and always somehow searching for something that I have heard most people say is missing. Who could really be the one to blame for the emptiness that most of us say we are feeling? The answer is simple it is us who are to entirely blame for our current predicaments because we have chosen to ignore the things that make life beautiful and worthwhile and we have taken the road that has led us to complete solitude. This month of February has been tagged from time immemorial the month of love, for the sole reason that the great day of valentine’s is celebrated but what does it truly mean to pick out a particular day where you shower your loved ones with affection and then the next day we go back to normalcy not bothering at all. A wise man once said that he would rather live than exist; most of us are barely just existing and not really getting to experience the magic of life. That is why we should not let love only last this month, love, appreciation, affection and all this should be for always. We are slowly loosing touch of ourselves, I guess it‘s convenient to make excuses like most people often do, we have no time, work is too much but time is given to us to control and not the other way round.Victor Hugo once said that "the supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved” love is what keeps us going and is the foundation for basically everything; even those who are religious will agree that we were brought into the world out of the love of God. Its importance is often overlooked and many people seem to take it for granted thinking that there are more important things in life, than making sure that people in our lives are always reminded that they matter. It is often said that one should be careful how you treat people on your way up, because you will need them on our way down. Just the same way we should show our appreciation to people always and not only when it is convenient. I think it all begins with realizing that we need each other, and we cannot always do things on our own or we can’t always walk through life thinking that we can achieve everything without bothering about building our personal relationships with people. In the end, we realize that we have nothing but ourselves and maybe the millions we acquired. But what good is that, when we basically have no one to share it with or no one to be happy about it with. A well rounded individual is one with a little bit of everything but a lot of the most important, love.We are the ones who are responsible for each other even if we often don’t want to take up that responsibility it belongs to us. Relationships and connecting with each other is vital and necessary to help us grow.  Yes, even though these days life has become fast paced, we should think about tomorrow because today will soon come to an end and we will be left with nothing. It’s the 21st century and everything seems to be moving pretty fast but we should not let times dictate how we are going to live with each other. So let us not let this month end and leave us where we began. Love should spill out into the next months and coming years because love is and should timeless.