Neighbour Diaries: Back in the game

My list is growing bigger by the day, ever since I stopped “priesthood”. I have so far added two more members to my little club; the membership has grown to five people.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

My list is growing bigger by the day, ever since I stopped "priesthood”. I have so far added two more members to my little club; the membership has grown to five people.

Not bad for a guy who, only last week, was a certified bachelor. My biggest surprise still comes from my neighbour girl. It’s like she doesn’t want to make up her mind if she wants something between me and her, or if she wants more time.  She keeps bringing up the topic of dating, but when I try to pry a little deeper into her life, she changes topics.

I suspect something serious happened to her, something sad that she doesn’t want to talk about. The other day, a certain guy dropped her home. I wanted to pretend I hadn’t seen anything, but she had seen me, and she brought it up. She told me that that guy was her man. Ok, none of my business. I started to change the topic but she insisted we talk about it. She told me that she had been dating him since she was in university, and that he wasn’t a good man, but he was better than her ex.

When I asked about her ex, she got really uncomfortable, and it was clear she didn’t want to go there. So I didn’t. We played out tennis as usual, and I realized am beginning to actually like her consistency. But after tennis, I had another engagement. There is a certain girl I met in a supermarket. We didn’t talk much there, but afterwards, she called me and we spent about two hours on phone.

We were supposed to meet up and find out why we were so compatible on phone. I was looking forward to seeing her, she seemed interesting, and she wasn’t bad looking. I showered, got dressed, and my phone started ringing. She was already there, waiting for me. I told her to get a drink and give me a few minutes. As I got out of my house, I saw my neighbour headed towards me.

I waited for her to come up, thinking it was something small she wanted from me. But, she had other plans in mind. She wanted us to watch movies and chill. I couldn’t, I had an appointment! But, she looked like she really wanted company, so I didn’t tell her that. I let her into the house, and we chatted a bit.  But I was conscious of Miss Supermarket waiting for me. After ten minutes, she sent me a text, saying; "you shouldn’t keep a lady waiting”. I debated on the best way to make an escape, but there didn’t seem to be any viable option. 

To make it worse, she slotted in a movie. I texted this girl saying I was on my way, just stuck in traffic jam.  But, trust girl instincts.First, supermarket texted back saying, "I don’t think so. I think you are at home looking for ways of escaping from your girlfriend.” Dangerously close to the truth! Then, as I was still wondering how she could even have thought of that, neighbour told me, "You should go”. I will watch some movies, and then I will lock up after.  Ok, this was too much. There was no point in me arguing with such logic. Surprising myself and her, I pecked her on the check, and run out the house. I got there just as Miss Supermarket was about to get impatient. We had a great evening. Later, after dropping her home, I passed by a supermarket, brought a bottle of wine, and headed home. I had even forgotten about neighbour. So, I was kind of shocked when I got into the house and found neighbour on the bed, watching movies.

Luckily, I had only carried a bottle of wine home. The evening continued but try as hard as I could, I could not convince neighbour to take things to another level. Not even the wine had the desired effect on her! Hard nut to crack.