grace.mFrancois Gishoma

Perfect weekend… Francois Gishoma is the president of Rwanda Diabetes Association (RDA). Like any other hard working person, Gishoma says all week, work keeps him busy but he also gets time to enjoy a weekend.

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Perfect weekend

Perfect weekend…

Francois Gishoma is the president of Rwanda Diabetes Association (RDA). Like any other hard working person, Gishoma says all week, work keeps him busy but he also gets time to enjoy a weekend.Below is how he spends his weekend;My weekend starts on Friday evening at around 7p.m when I get home. I spend at least an hour with my family, discussing and watching television.At around 9:30p.m, I have supper and go to bed. On Saturday, I spend at least two morning hours, 7 to 9, in physical fitness exercises. At around 10a.m, after breaking fast, I go to Gisenyi.Although I target visiting friends and family members and my cows, I end up visiting children in our centre. I spend at least an hour with them.These children are suffering from diabetes and by being closer to them; I believe it gives them comfort. At around 1p.m, I have lunch. Most of the time, I spend a night there and continue with the same activities on Sunday.However, I leave that place a bit early since I have to prepare for the next day. By 5p.m, I am in Kigali. I must rest for about an hour after my bath before engaging in any kind of work.By 8p.m, I must have made up my mind on what to do the next day. I have supper at around 9p.m and get to bed at 10p.m