PLWAs want free health insurance scheme

People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAs) have called on the government to incorporate them into the medical insurance scheme, (Mutuelles de Sante), to help them seek medical treatment at no extra cost.

Friday, February 24, 2012

People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWAs) have called on the government to incorporate them into the medical insurance scheme, (Mutuelles de Sante), to help them seek medical treatment at no extra cost. During a general assembly where representatives of several PLWAs associations in the country were elected, some expressed disappointment over the lack of medical insurance, saying that some cannot afford it."It would be better if we all had Mutuelles de Sante, because we find it difficult  seeking better treatment and this is why some of us have been unfairly categorized in the Ubudehe programme, putting us among the able people,” said 35-year-old Marcelline Uwamariya, a mother of three."We appreciate the government’s effort in providing us free HIV/AIDS medicine. However, some of the infected are so destitute that they cannot afford good feeding,” said another HIV/AIDS positive resident.They said ARVs have helped them fight the stigma attributing it to the government’s good strategies on health."Some of the banks don’t give out loans to the infected, thinking that they cannot develop projects to recover the loan yet they are human beings who are capable of doing anything a normal person can do,” said Zamida Uwimbabazi, in charge of HIV/AIDS education in the country.She added through the associations of PLWAs, aimed at supporting the infected, advocacy will be made so as to improve their lives.There are over 1300 associations of people living with HIV/AIDS throughout the country.