Ol’ Skool Vs Nu’ Skool

Music back in the day is what I call real music, now we are just listening to organized noise! I’m still perplexed as to why the world is fascinated by the likes of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and all these other new singers popping up from no where.

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Rachel Garuka

Music back in the day is what I call real music, now we are just listening to organized noise! I’m still perplexed as to why the world is fascinated by the likes of Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and all these other new singers popping up from no where. I’m not going to sit here and say modern pop music is better than the old stuff, because simply put, it’s not. I’d much rather listen to a Michael Jackson or Whitney Houston song that has been performed by amazing session musicians and sung by someone with a great voice over a Jennifer Lopez song where the music is 90% synthesized and the vocals are 100% auto tuned.I admit that we do have good musicians these days making equally good music but none of them can compare to what was played back in the day. Music these days is the kind you listen to once and never bother with again. But in this era, people still go to music stores looking for a James Brown or Marvin Gaye album.By biggest problem with music today is that technology has made it possible for people with very little talent (or even no talent at all) to become recording artists. The mainstream music audience is now so used to hearing perfectly tuned notes that anything else is wrong.We need artists with a flair for songwriting and music with legitimate technical and creative prowess. I can’t be the only one who thinks that singers today all sound the same. Today’s artists are inexcusably lazy hence listening to different songs with the same damn tune year after year. There is nothing raw about the music we listen to today. The worst thing is that even the few artists who can actually sing, for some reason use the augmentation of auto tune which in my opinion is disrespectful.I am sorry for his fans but if I listen to Lil Wayne’s Black and Yellow song one more time or any other lame rapper out there, my ears will bleed! There is no meaning behind the lyrics, no rhythm, no taste, in short, no nothing! I recently listened to Beyonce’s Party song and almost thrashed the radio. I think Mrs. Jay Z has legend potential but she should stop singing nonsensical things and start meaningful music. Music these days really doesn’t speak to your soul. Maybe the reason is because what can be done has already been done. So what is left?

Sappy pop music with little to no lyrics and no point! With all due respect to Mr. Wayne, Black and Yellow doesn’t make much sense and it appalls me the way people respond so enthusiastically to it. Play Coolio’s Gangster’s Paradise and see the difference.I highly doubt that any top 100 artists from today will be remembered in 20 years or so, but look at bands like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Nirvana and Bon Jovi. Till this day, these bands make tons of money from music they don’t even record anymore! Their music was art. There is no art in music today save for people claiming to be singers and boring us with auto tune.

The lyrics these days are all about sex, partying and being vulgar. The videos are not any better seeing as they always involve skimpily dressed women shaking their butts right in your face, pouring champagne all over the place, being flown around in private jets and throwing money through car windows! Really?Give me Marvin Gaye, James Brown, some Luther Vandross, Michael Jackson and any other true artist anytime. These people sang to us. This was art. I still can’t figure out if Niki Minaj is a rapper or singer (watched a video where she was singing) but she is no match for the Foxy Brown’s and Queen Pen’s of back then.

I understand that change is good but that change should borrow a leaf from the real musicians whose music will forever be embedded in our souls.