Vox-pop:Fashion designers’ views on mixing formal with casual wear

“Mixing casual and formal wear is not something that would look good on everyone. If you have a good figure and you know how to mix the two, you will look amazing and maybe even better than if someone wears specifically one of the two.” Patrick Muhire

Thursday, February 23, 2012
L-R:Patrick Muhire,Aline Gahongayire,Colombe Ituze Ndutiye,Gloria Kamazi Uwizera, Francis Iraguha.

"Mixing casual and formal wear is not something that would look good on everyone. If you have a good figure and you know how to mix the two, you will look amazing and maybe even better than if someone wears specifically one of the two.”Patrick Muhire"Many people who mix formal and casual wear do it because they are clueless on how to dress. They think that it’s okay to just wear anything regardless of the occasion or the day.”Aline Gahongayire."The most important thing is to know what goes with what before you walk out of the house. If you are working in a corporate environment and always meet people, you need to dress formally but if the kind of work you do requires hard labor then casual would be appropriate. Mixing the two doesn’t look good.”Colombe Ituze Ndutiye."The reason why many people mix formal and casual wear is because they want to be smart and unique. Many do not wear suits because of the nature of their work. But if someone wants to wear a suit with ‘Air force Ones’, I suppose it’s up to them.”Gloria Kamazi Uwizera.