The birth of Old School

You have probably heard the term ‘Old School’ more than once. According to the Urban Dictionary, the term ‘Old School’ variously spelled; old skool, oldschool or oldskool, is a slang term referring to something that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

You have probably heard the term ‘Old School’ more than once. According to the Urban Dictionary, the term ‘Old School’ variously spelled; old skool, oldschool or oldskool, is a slang term referring to something that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect. The term can be used to refer to music, clothing, language or anything. The term originated sometime in the early 1990’s. Infact, anything that took place within the 1990’s is referred to as old school. Depending on the context and intent, the term can imply a high regard or respect, or be a derogatory to others. The term applies to music, clothing, games, language and is perceived as a norm of behavior. It generally implies a vintage of at least a generation, 20 years or so, but could be considerably older, depending on the context of use.When used to imply a high regard for something, "old school” is applied to things perceived to be of timeless style, wisdom, or quality, or with wide acceptance in earlier times and continued value in the present.Personally, when I hear the term ‘oldschool’, what comes to mind is quality! It reminds me of an old saying. "Old is gold”. The actual meaning of this saying is that whatever is old is actually valued as gold and we should not consider any old thing as a waste.This can be explained in more detail with examples. First of all, the monuments, statues and broken old buildings that we preserve today, are conserved in the hope of preserving our old traditions and cultures.Secondly, if we take the example of friends; we value our old friends more than anything does and new friends cannot crack that bond. Our old memories are our golden memories. No one can deny the fact that what we value the most today are the old things.