Agric board, farmers hammer out deal to increase pineapple yield

NGOMA - Pineapple growers in Ngoma district yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Agriculture Export Board (NAEB).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

NGOMA - Pineapple growers in Ngoma district yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Agriculture Export Board (NAEB).The signing was attended district officials and representatives of Inyange Industries, a local food processor.The MoU stipulates that farmers will be guided right from the time they begin planting to when they start selling the crop.They will also be advised how to use modern farming methods, the supply chain and cooperation.Jean Bosco Niyibizi, the Chairman of growers union, said that farmers expect to benefit immensely from the MoU."The MoU was timely…we don’t expect any more waste or poor pineapple prices. It is also a great motivation and there is no doubt that the produce is going to double,” he said.Dr. Ndambe Nzaramba, the Deputy Director General NAEB, said the MoU was paving way for further cooperation with the farmers.Francois Ntiyotwagira the Mayor of the district reiterated the need for farmers to increase production so as to meet the demand."Farmers only need to produce enough…this is the bottom line after signing the MoU. It is also important they guard the quality of the pineapples and supply them in time” he said.NAEB helped farmers in the district to plant 2.5 million pineapple suckers.