World Relief to sponsor 40 students

WESTERN PROVINCE NYAMASHEKE — The World Relief Rwanda, an international charity organization is to offer 40 scholarships to students in Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts this year.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


NYAMASHEKE — The World Relief Rwanda, an international charity organization is to offer 40 scholarships to students in Nyamasheke and Rusizi districts this year.

Albert Nzacahinyeretse, the World Relief field officer in the two districts told The New Times that their organisation would pay tuition and meet other scholastic materials for selected students.

"The World Relief is going to pay school fees and other required costs for 40 students from Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts this year. We are just waiting for their names from the two districts," Nzacahinyeretse said.

The offer extended to orphaned children would cover students in senior four, five and six according to Nzacahinyeretse. Other vulnerable children who would be recommended by district interfaith committees are also eligible for the sponsorship.

He said they are planning to train about 32 street children in the two districts on prevention of HIV/Aids and other infectious diseases. He added that they would also train 200 couples on living faithful life in order to avoid contracting Hiv/Aids.

Other gestures would include, giving loans to people living with HIV/Aids and organising vocational training for children whose parents are infected with HIV/AIDS in the region.
