1. Baby’s Clothing: An expectant mother should be able to buy clothes for the baby in advance as a part of the preparation to receive a new baby. The clothes should contain the warm ones as well. Do not spent too much on clothing because babies grow faster.
1. Baby’s Clothing: An expectant mother should be able to buy clothes for the baby in advance as a part of the preparation to receive a new baby. The clothes should contain the warm ones as well. Do not spent too much on clothing because babies grow faster.2. Crib: A baby crib is another thing to buy for your baby to sleep at night and shopping for a crib takes a lot of time. Pick out a mattress that has good back support such as those that are not too soft. 3. Diapers: Pampers are really good and do not leak easily. They are very comfortable for any new born baby. These are therefore a must have as you prepare for the baby’s arrival.4. Baby wipes: Try to use thick soft wipes to clean your baby’s bottom. Such as the huggies brand which is thick and really good. 5. Diaper bag: Buy a back pack kind of diaper bag which is easy to carry, looks good and is very convenient. You can pack all your baby’s things like formula food, bottles, diapers, wipes, clothes and toys. 7. Bath items: Baby soap, lotion, oil, powder, towel and many others must be part of the shopping done.8. Breast feeding equipment: Such as, breast pump to pump your milk into the bottle, nursing bras if you are breast feeding, breast pads and nipple cream.7. Bottle feeding items: 6 bottles and sterilizing equipment, 1 bottle brush, 1 bottle warmer, infant formula milk which should be recommended by a doctor.8. Medicines: Rubbing spirit and cotton swabs (for the umbelical cord) and Gripe water, this is a great way to treat your baby’s stomach problems. Babies cry a lot and sometimes it could be due to stomach problems. Giving a spoon of gripe water in the morning helps the baby’s digestion.