Healthy Woman: Safe motherhood begins with saving

So many women today go into labor without even the basics like cotton wool or a baby shawl for their soon to be born baby.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Saving is a habit that pays off. Net photo.

So many women today go into labor without even the basics like cotton wool or a baby shawl for their soon to be born baby.Some get stranded and begin borrowing money from everyone just to get the necessities needed during and after the delivery of the baby.Whereas, a woman might not to be able to foot all the bills for the requirements of the baby, if planned for, they don’t have to go asking for money to clear the bill at the maternity ward.Prior preparation is vitalA woman should start preparing for the baby once she realizes she is pregnant. Think about the kind of food you’re going to eat for the next nine months, the activities you have to carry out during all three trimesters, the hospital you intend to have your baby from and all that needs to be taken care of throughout the pregnancy.Prior preparation involves setting targets to attain all that is necessary for one to have a safe pregnancy.Christine Ingabire, 29, a mother of three says that every woman should save some money aside specifically for meeting her needs and the needs of the baby."Women should develop the saving habit when getting ready to have a baby. This will help them during the last minute hustle. You shouldn’t wait till your nine months are up then start borrowing from people because you didn’t plan earlier,”Ingabire adds.Have a Journal specifically for your pregnancyWith this Journal, one can note down the priority necessities for the preparation of the baby.A woman preparing to have a baby should write down all that is needed for her and the baby. Then little by little, start purchasing the needs so that you don’t have to buy everything at once when the baby arrives.An expectant mother should also ensure that she saves some money aside for other extra expenses or abrupt issues. This will save them the stress and hassle of looking around for money in their state. Involve your husbandHowever wealthy and independent a woman may be, she will always need the support of her husband in all aspects.While planning, it’s always better for a woman to do it with her husband. This way, they can share ideas on how well it can be done.There is need for combined effort and planning between husband and wife when getting ready to have a baby.Husbands should be involved in the process of preparing for the baby since it belongs to both parties.It’s a shame to see women lacking the basic necessities of a baby just because they refused to prepare and save early enough.