Relationships: Common mistakes women make in marriage

Most women make mistakes during their marriage, which eventually end it. However,  if these problems are recognized and dealt with, it doesn’t have to end. Here are some of the common mistakes women make.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Nagging in a relationaship is a no-go area. Net photo.

Most women make mistakes during their marriage, which eventually end it. However,  if these problems are recognized and dealt with, it doesn’t have to end. Here are some of the common mistakes women make.Some women are so insecure; they threaten other women especially the ones they see talking to their husbands. They put all their effort into that instead of focusing on the energy that will keep their marriage strong. If women could learn to focus on their marriage and not let petty things like cheap talk get in the way, then the marriage might have a chance. Women are so emotional and tend to use sex as a tool to punish their husbands after a fight. They deny their husbands sex and in doing so, sometimes the husbands tend to look elsewhere. Some women also try to control their men. Men really do not like being controlled. After marriage, it’s like the men belong to these women only and no one else including relatives. When women control every move that their husbands make, it becomes impossible for them to be authentic. Remember every individual is the master of his or her own will and men are not an exception to this fact.Another thing that can really irritate a man is when you complain too much. Nagging or even being too much of a critic will surely not go down well with him. Women fail to understand that love is not owning a man entirely. You should always accept a man’s choices and discuss accordingly on issues that are bothering your relationship. No one likes being criticized all the time.Sometimes, women normally choose the wrong people to discuss their issues with. They think all the friends they have are there to listen to them and in the end they find themselves with very wrong advice. Women should always be careful when choosing friends especially the ones they open their hearts to. Don’t just pour your heart out to someone.  Some people are out to destroy others.If you think you are married and can now stop taking care of your appearance, you are so mistaken. Stay attractive and see if he will have a reason to look elsewhere. Keep the look he fell in love with and all will be good. Do not isolate yourself from your husband’s relatives. Remember you will need them anytime so try and stay connected to them no matter how hard they may seem to be. You will be building a strong family foundation for your children too.Some women are dishonest. They moment they get married, they become unhappy and start hiding all sorts of things from their husbands. They become secretive to the point where they alienate themselves from a relationship. Always tell your man the truth. Remember that he loves you for who you are.Be as faithful as faithful can get. Infidelity is the biggest marriage breaker. Settle for what you have. Starting a marriage with too many expectations could also affect it. Simply be who you are. Introduction to ex-lovers is wrong too. Respect your husband the way he deserves and things will go well for you.