TNT reporter wins in US photo contest

Doreen Umutesi, a features writer with The New Times, has been recognized by US Embassy in Rwanda for emerging one of the runners-ups in last year’s photo contest, dubbed ‘Dance With Us: Motion Across Cultures’.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Doreen Umutesi (L) receiving the certificate from the US embassy's Susan Falatko yesterday. The New Times / Courtesy

Doreen Umutesi, a features writer with The New Times, has been recognized by US Embassy in Rwanda for emerging one of the runners-ups in last year’s photo contest, dubbed ‘Dance With Us: Motion Across Cultures’.According to the embassy Public Affairs Officer, Susan Falatko, Umutesi’s photo was one of the top 20 entries selected from over 2,000 submissions from 129 countries.The photo was selected through a programme run by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs, which highlights first-person stories and discussions about culture, commonalities and exchange programme experiences. "Doreen’s (photo) captured Rwanda’s beautiful cultural dance and it was fantastic to highlight the beauty of the country,” Falatko said after handing over a certificate of participation at TNT offices in Kimihurura.She said the selection was done in Washington and each photo was selected based on how it told a story on its own through ‘the uniting themes of family, community, beauty, and culture.’The photo was for Rwandan cultural dancers, with hands raised over their heads, to portray Rwanda’s traditional long-horned cows, locally known as ‘Inyambo.  Umutesi said the award was a surprise to her. "I sent one photo jokingly not knowing I would win; this has encouraged me to work more on photography.”