Volleyball league to start next month

The national volleyball league is scheduled to start on 3rd next month but one of the country’s oldest clubs is struggling to regain its former glory to challenge APR and UNR.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The national volleyball league is scheduled to start on 3rd next month but one of the country’s oldest clubs is struggling to regain its former glory to challenge APR and UNR.According to Jean Marie Nsengiyumva, the coach of Kigali Volleyball club, the club is struggling with preparations to be in shape for the start of league."At the moment the club is struggling with finances to give players basics like transport and other basics like water after training sessions,” Nsengiyumva said before adding that "we are lucky that our players don’t demand salaries.”APR and RRA (Rwanda Revenue Authority) won last year’s league titles in the men and women categories respectively.