Tennis federation president resigns

The president of the national tennis federation Francis Ruterana and his executive committee have resigned two years before their term of office expires after blaming his subordinates of not fulfilling their obligations.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thierry Ntwali

The president of the national tennis federation Francis Ruterana and his executive committee have resigned two years before their term of office expires after blaming his subordinates of not fulfilling their obligations.Ruterana told Times Sport that fresh elections will take place on March 18 but refused to say whether he would be among the candidates seeking election."When many of your committee members don’t fulfill their obligations, then there is no other solution but to resign,” Ruterana said justifying his reasons and that of his committee of resigning.Asked why he resigned yet it is his subordinates who were to blame; Ruterana said he also takes some responsibility for their failures.The other members that resigned include: 1st vice president Cleophas Kabasita, 2nd vice president, Secretary General Theoneste Bahati, Treasurer Viateur Kabirigi, Administrative advisor Fidele Kamanzi Bayama, Legal Advisor Alida Furaha and Financial advisor Alfred Byigero.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Sports is set to bail out the tennis federation by paying its affiliation fees debts that amount to US$ 26800 (Rwf 22m).The country has up till June to pay the debt or risk fines from the International Tennis Federation, but according to Technical director Thiery Ntwali, the money will be wired before end of next month. Sports in the country had a turbulent time last year after resignations of Sports Minister Joseph Habineza, Ferwafa President Jean Bosco Kazura, C.E.O Jules Kalisa, Basketball federation president Eric Kalisa and Athletics federation boss Gerald Ntare.