Load limit will reduce road accidents in EAC

Editor, Allow me to respond to a story published in The New Times, February,21 titled “EAC concurs on load limit”. This is a great achievement more especially to landlocked countries.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Transit goods trucks.The 2012 Vehicle Load Control Bill seeks to harmonise load limit in the region. The NewTime, / File

Editor,Allow me to respond to a story published in The New Times, February,21 titled "EAC concurs on load limit”.This is a great achievement more especially to landlocked countries.It is an achievement in the sense that such non-tariff barriers havebeen hindering business development in countries like Rwanda and Burundi.But with the 2012 Vehicle Load Control Bill which seeks to harmoniseload limit in the region, partner states can now step up their competitiveness. No doubt the ordinary person will benefit from this decision.Similarly, the cost of doing business is likely to go down which I think is a very good step promoting the EAC region as an investment destination.GeraldSchool of Finance and Banking