Indeed, PAC needs more time

Editor, I want to thank Eugene Namuhanga for his letter that appeared in The New Times, February, 18 and titled “Give PAC some time”.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Editor,I want to thank Eugene Namuhanga for his letter that appeared in The New Times, February, 18 and titled "Give PAC some time”.Many people love to criticize even before they get to know the truth about something they are commenting about. I don’t think PAC has failed at this stage. When you read its report tabled to Parliament recently, you realise some good work has been done yet in a shorttime. Like Namuhanga suggested, I also think it is still early to apportion blame on PAC members. I don’t think they are not acting againstcorrupt officials. Today, everything is done within the rule of law.You need to investigate properly all cases because you don’t want to victimize innocent people. While Marie Immaculee Ingabire of Transparency Rwanda has every right to comment on PAC’s report, she should always be optimistic. She should complain when parliament fails to implement its recommendations.The fact that several government officials have been questioned in relation to mismanagement of public funds offers a ray of hope that embezzlement of public funds can no longer be condoned.Felix BahiziNyagatare