Rwanda inspires The Fray’s latest album

‘The Fray’ are back with their third album dubbed ‘Scars & Stories’, which just debuted at number 18 on the ARIA Chart. The highly praised album was inspired by the band’s trip to Rwanda.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Fray in a group photo

‘The Fray’ are back with their third album dubbed ‘Scars & Stories’, which just debuted at number 18 on the ARIA Chart. The highly praised album was inspired by the band’s trip to Rwanda.Guitarist Joe King recently spoke about the locations that helped inspire their new album. He put aside some of the recording budget for this album to come to Rwanda and broaden their horizons; and pianist/singer Isaac Slade pulled quite a surprise on Joe in the lead-up."It was a Thursday afternoon,” King recalls, "And all of a sudden I get a text saying ‘Hey man, you wanna go to Rwanda on Saturday?’”King laughs, "That was one of the strangest texts I’ve ever got. Obviously I couldn’t go. I can’t just drop everything and go to Rwanda two days later.”While a daring Slade also went to South Africa, King got his own inspiration a little closer to home.They also did some writing in Europe, King noting: "I love getting outside the box, getting outside my little comfort zone and it really helped me find new inspirations.”Net.