Environmental watchdog to move HQs to Kigali

The Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ACROS) will soon set up a regional information and training centre in Kigali for NGO`s and other institutions to acquire skills concerning environment protection.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ACROS) will soon set up a regional information and training centre in Kigali for NGO`s and other institutions to acquire skills concerning environment protection.ARCOS is a regional organisation dedicated to conserve the Albertine Rift biodiversity, which stretches from the north of Lake Albert in Uganda to the southern tip of Lake Tanganyika. Dr Sam Kanyamibwa , ACROS Executive Secretary,  said the proposed $350,000 facility will also house the organization’s headquarters and regional office. "Currently, our headquarters are in the UK while the regional office is in Uganda. But the plan is to shift the two to Rwanda,” Kanyamibwa said.He added that the organization is in talks with the government, and that construction works will start as soon as the two reach an agreement.  "This will help us spread as we implement our new strategies more effectively,” he said.Meanwhile, ARCOS was last week awarded by MacArthur Foundation for being creative in responding to pressing problems, especially the rapid loss of habitat and genetic diversity.15 other organizations from six countries were also recognized in an event that took place in Kampala, Uganda."These extraordinary organizations demonstrate exception creativity and effectiveness. They provide new ways to deal with old problems. And their impact is altogether disproportionate to their size,” said MacArthur president, Robert Gallucci, in an email sent to The New Times.