AU welcomes maritime border agreements

The African Union (AU) said on Saturday that it has welcomed the agreements reached on delimitation of maritime border among Seychelles, Comoros, and Tanzania.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The African Union (AU) said on Saturday that it has welcomed the agreements reached on delimitation of maritime border among Seychelles, Comoros, and Tanzania. The three states signed the agreements on Friday in Victoria, Seychelles as part of the implementation of the AU Border Program (AUBP), has announced AU in a press statement. The agreements include an agreement on delimitation of maritime border between Seychelles and Comoros, and an agreement between Seychelles, Comoros, and Tanzania on the Indian Ocean triple point, said the statement. Signing the agreements were Ministers Jean-Paul Adam of Seychelles, Mohamed Bakri Ben Abdoulfatah Charif of Comoros, and Bernard Kamillius Membe of Tanzania. The ceremony took place at the Queau de Quinssy House, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, witnessed by Mourad Taiati, Head of the AU Liaison Office in the Comoros.The statement has recalled that Germany, through GiZ, provides financial and technical support to the AUBP, including delimitation/demarcation, as well as cross-border cooperation, in a number of AU member states. 

Launched in 2007, the AUBP has three main components: delimitation and demarcation of African borders where such exercise has not yet taken place; cross-border cooperation; and capacity building.