Security organs launch joint operational centre

The Minister of Defence, Gen. James Kabarebe, and his Internal Security counterpart, Musa Fazil Harelimana, yesterday opened a new facility that will host the Joint Operations Centre (JOC).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Minister of Defence, Gen. James Kabarebe, and his Internal Security counterpart, Musa Fazil Harelimana, yesterday opened a new facility that will host the Joint Operations Centre (JOC). The event also marked two years since its establishment to respond to threats through coordinated information sharing. The new facility is located at the Rwanda National Police headquarters in Kacyiru.  JOC has enabled security forces to easily share security-related information from around the country, improve timely response and ensure that illegal arms continue to be recovered.   It is composed of Rwanda Defense Forces, Rwanda National Police, National Intelligence and Security Service, and Rwanda Correctional Services.Kabarebe hailed the role JOC has played in national security initiatives, urging continued collaboration amongst all stakeholders to maintain security."The establishment of JOC is part of homegrown solutions to security challenges facing the country,” Kabarebe observed.JOC has also helped promote human security, he said.  Joint forces have also contributed towards government programmes such as construction of classrooms for the nine and twelve-year basic education programme, eradication of thatched houses, participation in tree-planting, among other areas.Meanwhile, JOC activities have been decentralized to the grassroots levels to ensure that everyone gets involved in national security initiatives.