The nightmare

On a sunny afternoon, as the lazy blue sky is laid out, sweet –singing birds litter the heavens while enjoying the calm wind.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

On a sunny afternoon, as the lazy blue sky is laid out, sweet –singing birds litter the heavens while enjoying the calm wind.Suddenly, thick-dark clouds run across the sky and before long, the suns’ access to the earth is completely cut-off; frost begins to fall and the whole world descends into coldness and gloom in an instant.Lightening zigzags across the sky; enormous thunder-bolts and a storm follow .A powerful earth quake   gears-up and before long, huge structures are swaying back and forth under its   high magnitude. Many are left flattened and others severely damaged: sky-crappers, bridges, power dams and transmission lines - everything.Massive winds sweep across the deserts carrying with them loads of dust and sand to a destination unknown .Mountains are reduced to valleys and valleys raised to mountains. In forests, trees swing back and forth in resistance, they get floored and bow to the pressure. On the streets, cars hoot and screech in confusion and desperation.Out of the blue, the chaos comes to a halt and calm returns,  a powerful and blinding light emerges from heaven  and through it a space-shuttle lands, giant alien-like creatures  step-out, grabbing and swallowing-up  every  mortal left.Women and children shout and scream, animals cry in horror, trying to run away in vain from their strange assailants.I am watching all this from the window of my cottage built on a rocky hill (strangely the only surviving one). The feeling that I had survived the catastrophe is soon diluted as I begin to locate hollow and ghostly voices from nowhere.Sharp chills run down my spine, my blood runs cold and breathing gets harder. I am left in terror - not certain what to do next. I feel the room start to grow smaller.The voices transform into deathly whispers that seem to draw closer every second that passes.I look behind my shoulder and almost jump out of my skin in terror. A gigantic alien with two small red torches for eyes and prolonged canines stands in the door way. I shout as loud as I can but my voice can’t go past the walls. I wake-up suddenly and realize it’s just a dream.