Living Well Means Making Time for Yourself

Most teens don’t know that their lives deserve more time.  They can choose to take care of themselves, fulfill what their lives demand and determine which road their life is taking.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Taking time off busy activities is healthy.

Most teens don’t know that their lives deserve more time.  They can choose to take care of themselves, fulfill what their lives demand and determine which road their life is taking. People who run marathons know that the only way they can develop and maintain the strength and stamina they need to finish, let alone win those races, is through constant conditioning. For many of us, our lives are like a marathon that never ends, and all too often we don’t make time to stay in shape for the long race we have to take daily. As a result, we end up feeling physically and emotionally exhausted. Creating a rewarding life requires balance. Rest, relaxation, regular exercise, a healthy diet, and a few strong friendships and sometimes, family connections are all essential components of healthy living and getting the most out of life. It is important to have some "me-time” and put things in perspective. Reconnect with the one person who has the power to make your life as good as you want it to be -YOU.  Ironically, with all the demands of work, friends and family, the part of our life-conditioning regimen that we most often sacrifice is the time for ourselves. With so many other people needing your attention and asking for help, it may feel a little selfish to insist on "me-time” now and then. But you can’t keep giving in to others indefinitely without taking time to renew your spirit and give something back to yourself. "Me-time” can take many different forms, and how you choose to spend the time you carve out for yourself depends on what you like to do. Some people read for pleasure or write in a journal, others like to spend time with nature or pursue a favorite hobby, while others prefer to soak in a hot tub or treat themselves to a massage. Fellow teens the point is everyone deserves some "me-time” now and then because neglecting yourself makes it hard to give your best to others. So remember living well means taking time for yourself.