Let’s borrow a leaf from President

Editor, I wish to respond to a letter published in The New Times, February, 18 and titled “Local leaders should borrow a leaf from top leaders”.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Editor, I wish to respond to a letter published in The New Times, February, 18 and titled "Local leaders should borrow a leaf from top leaders”.The biggest problem for many countries starts from the top. In some countries, top leadership sits back and orders their junior leaders to work like a donkey!  However, that situation does not apply in Rwanda.President Paul Kagame and several other top leaders lead by example. That is why President Kagame has managed to get several awards for excellent leadership. I wish all Rwandans could take a leaf from the President.The issue of service delivery in Rwanda is indeed being given maximum attention by our top leadership and this is great news.  This is the foundation to achieving our goals, which will definitely develop and modernise Rwanda.Norman RulisaRemera