Continued dialogue will help improve service delivery

Proprietors of private universities in a meeting with the Ministry of Education, last week, appealed for smoother and faster procedures when dealing with the Ministry.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Proprietors of private universities in a meeting with the Ministry of Education, last week, appealed for smoother and faster procedures when dealing with the Ministry.According to the representatives of private universities, when documents to facilitate their operations are sent to the Ministry, it takes long before they receive feedback which slows their work.Among the key principles of service delivery is quick feedback. While certain issues may require a lot of time to verify, it is important that communication is not broken down or delayed. For instance, various institutions of higher learning have expressed interest in setting up shop in Rwanda. However, prior to getting the required accreditation, the Ministry will have to thoroughly vet the institutions to make sure that they meet the minimum standards.Ensuring quality of education is paramount and nothing should compromise this, as at the end of the day, if institutions are allowed to operate without proper checks, the risks of students completing without proper skills is high. As was demonstrated in the meeting between private universities and the Ministry of Education, it is through continued discussions and dialogue that the challenges faced by both institutions will be addressed.This principle should also apply to other sectors where stakeholders should regularly meet, discuss their challenges and work out solutions till they get it perfectly right.