What lessons did Rwandan celebrities learn from Whitney Houston’s tragic death?

Natty Dread,  Reggae star: “Whitney was a natural artiste and one of the greatest vocalists in the world. She was beautiful too.

Monday, February 20, 2012
Natty Dread,

Natty Dread, Reggae star: "Whitney was a natural artiste and one of the greatest vocalists in the world. She was beautiful too. The only miastake she did was to fall in love with a vagabond – Bobby Brown, who ruined her talent and life. In fact, this should be a lesson to all women in the showbiz industry. They have to always be careful with such people. Whitney also used to dress up decently, which made her a role model to most girls, unlike the likes of Beyonce and Rihanna.Aline Gahongayire, Gospel artiste: "Whitney was my mentor. The lesson I learnt from her death was to always be so careful and to do away with drugs, to be who I am and to leave in harmony with all people, especially my fellow celebrities. I watched the entire funeral, and I noticed that it was attended by some of the world’s most notable personalities, such as Rev Jesse Jackson, Kevin Costner, Oprah Winfrey, Elton John, Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z, and they all talked nice about her.”Tom Close, R&B star and Primus Guma Guma Superstar 2011: "The most important lesson from Whitney Houston’s death was – there is an end to everything. However, even if she is dead, Whitney’s legacy will live forever. That means as artistes, we have to strive and live a mark in case death occurs. RIP Whitney Houston.”Mako Nikoshwa, Afrobeat star: "Whitney was one of the best stars in the world and we shall always miss her. Death is a natural cause and we can’t avoid it. It’s unfair that people continue to attribute her death to drugs because investigations are still on.However, there is an urgent need for the security of these celebrities. Their lives are at risk because not everyone is happy, especially about real talented stars. They continue to die mysteriously and it is always easy to say that they were killed by drugs – yet in some cases it is not true.Even in Rwanda, though the showbiz industry is not yet very vibrant, celebrities need to be vigilant about their security and avoid anything that would put their lives at risk.”