Killer fumes

Have you ever wondered why smokers are so inconsiderate when they are smoking? I call them fumes because they are the most nauseating smell you could ever come across in your life, maybe not in your life but at some point.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
Smoking has many serious health implications. Net Photo.

Have you ever wondered why smokers are so inconsiderate when they are smoking? I call them fumes because they are the most nauseating smell you could ever come across in your life, maybe not in your life but at some point. I have come across a lot of smokers who, honestly, I think should put into consideration that they are the only ones who enjoy those fumes.Apart from the health implications of smoking we have also the fact that it’s not really attractive to be smoking all over the place and blowing smoke in other peoples faces and flicking the little dust  particles that come from the cigarette. I have never really understood why people get into smoking in the first place but if they are going to do it they should at least be a little courteous while they are at it. As if that’s not enough they walk around with the cigarettes sticking out of their mouths and carelessly walking passed people almost causing burn holes on their clothes.I believe that in the society we live in today, people are very tolerant and just sit around while injustices such as-smoke blown in their faces, are carried out. Am not trying to say there should be an uprising about smokers but I think that if you are bothered by the smoke then you should let the smoker know about the discomfort you have at least. I know that smoking has been around for like the past centuries and it was actually for the very elite and they used to smoke cigars which I must say is not any better but nevertheless they did it in a very dignified way, like in private rooms in clubs and not in public places where people would be affected. So when they began to make cigarettes so that the lower class would not feel so left out, that’s when we had to deal with really uncultured behaviour. So it’s safe to say that smokers were not always so obnoxious with their activities and they actually behaved well back in the day, so what happened?Maybe we should have one of those places where all smokers can go and live together and then the rest of society will not have to deal with them. I always imagine what young kids think when they see people smoking? What goes through their minds? Smokers really make it look so cool though. When they inhale and exhale and blow out rings of smoke, and the way they hold the cigarette in between their fingers just almost barely balancing, I admit even I get a little fascinated with that but how about the younger generation who should not be around such behaviour? Though I believe that in some countries governments have taken some measures to control smoking like making it restricted to smoke in some places, and assigning areas where they can smoke which in my opinion is very convenient for the non-smokers who don’t have to suffer as much.I believe in freedom of expression and all that and it’s okay that people do what they want to their hearts content, but I don’t believe that you should infringe on peoples rights while you are enjoying yours. In any case someone has to keep the cigarette factory bills paid so smokers are still going to be around. What I would really appreciate is if they would be a little considerate to us who do not enjoy all that huffing and puffing. They should be aware that the planet does not belong to only them and they should not fill it up with their smoke.