Men Love Gadgets: Snore Stopper

To be honest I’m not really sure if this is a gadget for men or for the wives and girlfriends of the men. Well anyway if you want to stop snoring then the Snore Stopper could be just the solution you have been looking for.

Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Snore Stopper is small, light, easy to use and a lot cheaper. Net Photo.

To be honest I’m not really sure if this is a gadget for men or for the wives and girlfriends of the men. Well anyway if you want to stop snoring then the Snore Stopper could be just the solution you have been looking for.If your partner is a snorer, then you know how serious (and annoying) snoring can be. The Snore Stopper could be the key to stop snoring and getting a good night’s sleep.So how does it work? Well it’s quite simple. The device detects the noise when you start to snore and stimulates the nerves in your wrist with safe electrical pulses, this makes you change your sleeping position and you will stop snoring, easy! Oh and the pulses only stimulate sub-consciously so you will not even wake up. Oh joy, a whole night without being jabbed repeatedly in the back.The Snore Stopper is small, light, easy to use and a lot cheaper than some of the other snoring remedies available. The device has two intensity levels, one for the average snorer and a stronger setting for those of you who may need an extra little help.