Until it’s gone

Last weekend was the worst in the world of music and in many hearts since Michael Jackson’s death. The loss of one of the greatest voices of all time struck the world, hard.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Last weekend was the worst in the world of music and in many hearts since Michael Jackson’s death. The loss of one of the greatest voices of all time struck the world, hard.

Whitney Houston at the mere age of 48 passed away, leaving behind her legacy and her voice. Many news by-lines have had the words she will forever live in our hearts, Whitney will never die, her voice lives on and many, many more. It is true she will never die in our hearts. From Africa to Australia her music was known and sang. Minutes after her death was announced her music downloads exceeded 100%, confirms the owners of any download websites. This however has become the way of the world. Every time someone famous dies the whole world goes up in arms about how perfect they were, how iconic they now are, now that they are gone. The words she was and always be an inspiration to me never failed to cross many lips as they talked about the late Whitney Houston. When Michael Jackson died the same process was undergone. Shock, fans flooding squares to put down flowers, light candles and posts on social networks were through the roof. After Whitney’s death, thirty thousand tweets were coming up about her every minute. This brings it down to one question, ‘Where was all this love and adoration when she was still here with us’?It really is sad to see that it takes death for people to say good things about you. For people to appreciate who you were. For people to value who you became and notice just how much you meant to them. The marriage vows say it best, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer till death do us part. This may sound corny but it should be how to live through each day. When people are making it big, all the love is around them but when they fall all that love seems to just fade away. Why is it such a task to live with people and appreciate them? A status on facebook once read we should put love in a jar and on Valentine ’s Day, open the jar and seal up again the next day. Many people did not get to see this special day where love is spread in the masses. Do we honestly have to wait that long before someone lets us know just how much we mean to them. It’s a sad shame to just think about it.There are a million songs that could be written to explain this life that has become merely an existence but to sum it, let us not wait till the ones we love are gone and never coming back to realize their true value. No one knows what tomorrow holds, where we will be or whether we will still be next to the ones we truly cherish. Let us not let death be the moment where we stand up with a piece of paper in our hands and say everything we had always wanted to say, then it’s too late. If we love let us love for real. This is life given to us to live and to share happiness and joy with others. To spread love all round. Appreciate the ones you love today and do not wait another minute.