Neighbour Diaries: My List

This has been a week of action: it’s like I have been awakened from sleep to realize that there is no time to waste! Without wasting more time, I re-evaluate my current status, and standing with all my chicks.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

This has been a week of action: it’s like I have been awakened from sleep to realize that there is no time to waste! Without wasting more time, I re-evaluate my current status, and standing with all my chicks. The results weren’t very promising, but that’s what I like; when things aren’t promising. The rewards are much sweeter then. Immediately, I started making a hit list.My neighbour wasn’t being very clear, so I didn’t spend much time thinking about her. She makes the hit list, but on a tentative basis. Suddenly, Samantha is back in the picture, and although she is the kind of woman I would give up everything else for, this time round, I didn’t feel so inclined. There is a way things get reshuffled when they are postponed. Maybe this thing of absence making the heart grow fonder doesn’t apply to me. But, she definitely makes the hit list. You never know, I might be able to recover some of the love I once had for her. Then, there is this girl who texted me last week when I was there minding my own business. That one definitely makes the list, since I never got to really know her that much.  Jojo didn’t even cross my mind during the entire process of making the list.Then last evening, an unexpected girl added herself on my hit list. There is this half-caste  girl I met at the shop near my house when I had just moved in. That time, I was still in a sabbatical, and I didn’t really pay attention to her.  Besides noticing that she was extremely attractive, I left it at that. Well, I ran into her again, and this time, all guns were blazing. Before I knew what I was even up to, I was already dropping lines. I met her at the same shop, and again, she had lots of bags. My first line, unfortunately, was "do you sell bags?” she looked at me, with that dismissive look, but I wasn’t about to be scared off that easily.I asked again, "what’s with the bag?  This is the second time I am seeing you and again, have all these bags, and you are seated in the same position. I am wondering what the trick is.” She looked at me curiously, stood up, and stretched in that lovely feline way that girls do, and said, "Well, you are a curious one, aren’t you?  What business of yours is it that I am always carrying bags?” I replied, "just asking, being a friendly person”. Here, she laughed out loud, shaking that head in that way that seems to signify "what an idiot”.  Then, a car came and she started gathering her bags. Realizing that she was leaving, I picked up one bag, in an offer of helping her. She reached for the bag, but I held it back. I told her I was holding onto it, at least until she told me her name. She got that amused look in her eye, and then she said, "Well, Mr. Stranger, my name is Tania”. I handed her the bag and she walked off laughing. When she reached the car, she turned back, and said, "I lied”. But, it was getting late, she was already in the car, there was nothing I could do. She slammed the door, and the car sped off. But then, something like a piece of paper dropped out the window. I went to pick it up and realized it was a business card. Hmmm, her name was actually Tania. She was Partner in a Human Resource firm. Not bad. My list had definitely got a new member; a member with a great sense of humour, and hot enough to make a man want to elope. She was a potentially dangerous girl, to the sanity of the mind.Pocketing the card, I got finished with my business at the shop, and headed off home. It was almost time for my daily evening tennis game with Karina, my neighbour.  I found her already waiting for me. I can already tell she will be a disciplined member of my list.