I hate people who…

…make some of us feel extremely jealous. I still do not understand why sensible people can conspire to celebrate a day that is not even marked red on my calendar. Who really came up with this business of Valentine’s Day?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

…make some of us feel extremely jealous. I still do not understand why sensible people can conspire to celebrate a day that is not even marked red on my calendar. Who really came up with this business of Valentine’s Day?

As The Hater I do not understand how someone can settle for just one day to suddenly decide they should express love and even go ahead to do it so extravagantly as if to make me The Hater jealous. And by the way I am not the only one. Many people who are still single were not happy at all with how some of you people behaved by going around showing everyone that you are in love. Next time, please, be considerate and moderate your expressions.   …pretend that Valentine’s Day is not important. Well, I also hate those people who spent time pretending that Valentine’s Day was not important yet in actual sense you were wishing you had someone you love with whom to partake in the day’s formalities. Yes, I know your names only that the editor will not give me the space to expose you. It is ok, I understand if you have no lover to call your own but that does not mean you should pretend loving is pointless. I do not think poor people consider eating a bad thing just because they have no food. Next Valentine’s Day is a year from now so you have time to prepare and save yourself from my hatred again. …dress outrageously all in the name of Valentine’s Day. I still cannot understand why some jokers think they can hide behind a day to insult our understanding. For example I apologise for not slapping some jokers who were dressed like retired clowns on Valentine’s Day. I know black and red are considered the theme colours for the day but I don’t think it was necessarily for you to wear red shoes with black stockings with shorts! I also saw a joker who had decided that the best thing to do was to wear his cheap Manchester jersey simply because he could not think of a red shirt for the day. I wonder whether such brainless chaps have relatives. The world really needs less of such people. …only remembered their friends when Valentine’s Day came around. Some people never cease to annoy. Don’t you just hate those people who spend months without communicating but remember to do so when Valentine’s Day came around? I know this part time thinker who I last saw in high school that sent me a message via Facebook saying that she missed me so much and had been thinking about me. She even joked that she wanted me to be her Valentine. Do such people know that I do not even remember them? I still do not see why police does not lock up such jokers on days like Valentine’s.  …buy very lousy gifts on Valentine’s Day. Please, explain to me how I can fail to hate people who bought very stupid gifts for their loved ones on this day. I know you wanted to make your girlfriend feel special but it does not mean you should buy her panties that are two sizes above her real size. What is she supposed to do with them now? Eat a lot of food until she is big enough to wear them or take them to a tailor to be reduced? And not everyone deserves flowers as gifts on this day. Some people simply deserve to be given a box of toothpaste with a new toothbrush. Yes, I am talking to that girl in the Nyamirambo taxi whose breathe made me think a rat had died in her mouth a few weeks back.  Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293