Give PAC some time

Editor, This is in reference to an article appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled “Transparency demands firm action on PAC report.

Friday, February 17, 2012
PAC members during a past event. The parliamentary watchdog has in the recent past grilled several government officials over misuse of public funds. The NewTimes File.

Editor,This is in reference to an article appeared in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled "Transparency demands firm action on PAC report.I think it is still early to apportion blame on PAC members. The body is still new and should be given time to organise itself. I believe they have the good will to investigate and get to the root cause of mismanagement of public funds. I disagree with Marie Immaculee Ingabire assertion that PAC is dragging its feet to force the recovery stolen public funds. PAC is composed of experienced and honest Rwandans.I acknowledge that not all is rosy and mistakes can arise. However, if all of PAC’s recommendations are implemented, people who mismanage public funds will be in trouble. The fact that several senior public officials have been summoned by PAC in relation to the 2009/10 Auditor General’s report,  offers a ray of hope that mismanagement of public funds can no longer be condoned.  Eugene NamuhangaRulindo