Rwanda crucial member of Francophonie – Burkinabé Speaker

Rwanda has been described as an important member of La Francophonie club of nations owing to its growing influence in Africa.

Friday, February 17, 2012
A cross section of members of the African Parliamentary Forum of Speakers at the ongoing conference at Parliament Buildings in Kigali yesterday. The New Times / John Mbanda.

Rwanda has been described as an important member of La Francophonie club of nations owing to its growing influence in Africa. The club brings together countries with a French speaking background, mainly former colonies of France and Belgian.The chairperson of African Parliamentary Forum of Speakers from the Francophone countries, Roch Marc Christian Kabore made the remarks yesterday at the opening of the fourth forum held at Parliament Buildings in Kimihurura, Kigali. Kabore also doubles as Speaker of the Burkina Faso parliament.Representatives of 14 African countries are attending the conference being held under the theme: "The Role of African Parliaments in Promoting Good Governance”"Hosting this fourth Conference of African Parliamentary Forum of Speakers shows how the Francophonie group values Rwanda. This is a model nation to Africa,” underlined Kabore.He noted that the conference acts as a reminder to Speakers of Parliament to ensure their countries improve good governance. "We are in a crisis era in some countries because of lack of good governance; its time to change the way Africa is governed,” urged Kabore. Opening the forum, Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi pointed out that one way to guarantee good governance is through accountability. "Good governance is the cornerstone of Rwanda’s development; one of the ways we use to ensure good governance is through the Public Accounts Committee. We have also set up a number of agencies whose major role is to oversee government’s activities,” explained the Premier. The Speaker of Parliament, Rose Mukantabana observed that the fourth conference is partly aimed at finding solutions to the twin issues of development and governance that bedevil Africa.The meeting is expected to run until March 18.