Brochette is a goat’s destiny!

Personally, I have never been to a goat race anywhere in the world and I don’t think I’d want to either. I cannot imagine anything even remotely entertaining about racing goats.

Thursday, February 16, 2012
By Rachel Garuka

Personally, I have never been to a goat race anywhere in the world and I don’t think I’d want to either. I cannot imagine anything even remotely entertaining about racing goats.

Plus if the pictures I’ve seen of people at a goat race are any indication, I think I’ll pass and have me some goat’s meat instead!Let us be honest, do people even go there to watch these animals race or they go to eat, drink beer and debate on the biggest hat or most outrageous outfit? Rwandan’s are very smart people they figured out the true purpose of a goat. And it is not dressing it with silly costumes and making it run for humans’ entertainment.The best way to dress a goat is with salad and fries on the side! The scrumptiousness of that dish is out of this world. Anybody who has tried brochette around Rwanda can confirm that. Every restaurant in every corner of this country has brochette.

So is there any wonder why there are no goats busy running senselessly in costumes. They are all racing to the butchery!I understand that these races are for charity hence the enthusiasm to attend. However, let us look at it as it is, three quarters of the people who attend these races, much as they will not admit it are there for show.

Yes, I’ve said it. Who really cares about racing goats? The talk of the town after the event is who was there, who wore what, which tent had the most people and so on. If it is not for show, then why do people put so much effort into their outfits? Chaps plan for the event the second the last one is over! If the outfits were auctioned too for charity then I might get it.

There are a lot of ways to come up with money for charity, but these races are just another chance to make more money for some people like luring people into the custom-made tents!Why don’t we use goats rightfully and just eat them? Vegetarians obviously won’t agree with me but truthfully, being eaten is in fact their purpose. The Biblical days had people sacrificing their best stock to God or slaughtering them on special occasions.

The word slaughter sounds brutal, I know, but if you are going to feel sorry for something that was created for that exact purpose then we might as well set all animals free and just feed on fallen fruit!Let the goat races continue, that is not an issue. But if a goat race introduced in Rwanda is going to come between me and my brochette, then we are going to have a problem! That is why there is a lot of pork in Uganda, ever heard of a pig race? I didn’t think so. We should be enjoying these animals the way they are supposed to be enjoyed – on a plate! Not in some showground racing for things they don’t even understand.

Right now, we are enjoying their rightful purpose and whosoever decides to bring a goat race to Rwanda can do so – just know that I’ll be betting tons of money for it to race straight to my plate!