Embracing Life: What they do for fun

“During my free time, I prefer to visit friends. I also enjoy spending time talking to my mother at home and that is what makes a great day in my life.”

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"During my free time, I prefer to visit friends. I also enjoy spending time talking to my mother at home and that is what makes a great day in my life.” Gustave Higiro, Kimisagara resident."After a busy day, I crave to drink a cup of African tea or sleep. This is my payment since I tend to work for long hours.”Hope Azeda, Director,Mashilika Group. "Performing on the stage is the best fun I have. It is simply fulfilling.” Rosette Kalimba, Mashalika member."My best way of having fun is listening to music and watching television. Additionally, I spend time with my children because it is a great way to learn from them.”Dorcela Nyirabagande, Nyamirambo resident."Because of the nature of my work; which is producer, singer and music director, I enjoy spending time with my fans so that I can know what they expect from me.”Didieu Ntwali, Gikondo resident."After struggling all day long trying to put everything in the right place, I like listening to praise and worship gospel songs.”Mireille Mupfasoni."The only thing that I do and that makes me feel like I am having fun is when I visit my friends. We spend time engaging in constructive discussions and sharing some of our success stories.”Eric Sendeli, Artist."At my age, I spend more time break dancing because I like it so much.”Kennedy Mpazimaka, Kabeza resident."All I do for fun is; sing, chat with friends and drink.”Kim Kizito, Radio 10 Presenter.