A ‘romantic night walk’ on Kigali’s streets

Rwanda is blessed with beautiful streets so why not take a romantic walk (especially in the night) when the lights are bright enough for a romantic atmosphere. Take some of the day’s stress away by taking a stroll with your loved one.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rwanda is blessed with beautiful streets so why not take a romantic walk (especially in the night) when the lights are bright enough for a romantic atmosphere. Take some of the day’s stress away by taking a stroll with your loved one.The streets are silent and cool enough to give you that serene environment that will establish the ultimate moment for those sweet words to be whispered to each other. We all have different tastes and preferences; I may love a night walk but another may prefer to stay cuddled in the couch at home. What matters most is what you derive from the time you spend with your spouse.A friend of mine called Jacob amused me sometime back when he told me that his girlfriend insisted they go for a walk after she fell in love with Kigali’s streets—thanks to the clean and nicely lit up streets at night.She considered it a very romantic moment especially that she was strolling with Jacob. Little did she know that he was nagged senseless with the whole walking stunt. He did not fancy it at all, but for some reason he bared with it just to make her happy.As they walked, he asked if they could head back home and she gave him a firm no with additions like, "It is so romantic and healthy, don’t you think so?” Jacob was left with no option but to continue walking since he was out to make her happy.Sooner than later, Jacob got induced and captivated by the romanticism of that strange walk in the night. He began to see the romance that comes with walking hand-in-hand with a pretty woman at his side. He had never tried anything like it before. It took him half the journey to be completely driven and convinced by love, I suppose. Jacob began to admire the beauty of the moment and was in touch with the closeness it brought to him and his girlfriend. He found it overwhelming. The weather and the lighting were all the two love birds needed for a memorable evening together.They intimately held each other’s hands, talked, laughed and before they knew it, they were heading home after a two-hour-long stroll at night. It was a ‘short’ lived moment but Jacob has since fallen in love with romantic walks. Relationships have to be fired up with some of these small but romantic moments that give partners time to get to know each other more and more.