Kagame launches Ngororero dev’t plan

President Paul Kagame, yesterday, unveiled a five-year development programme for Ngororero District, Western Province. The Rwf72 billion programme, dubbed ‘Ngororero District Special Development Programme’ covers several socio-economic development initiatives.

Thursday, February 16, 2012
President Kagame receives a gift from Margarita Nyirabanyaga, a local artisan from Ngororero who has successfully built a handbags business. The New Times / Village Urugwiro.

President Paul Kagame, yesterday, unveiled a five-year development programme for Ngororero District, Western Province. The Rwf72 billion programme, dubbed ‘Ngororero District Special Development Programme’ covers several socio-economic development initiatives.Ngororero is one of the poorest districts in the country. The district Mayor, Gideon Ruboneza, said the plan involves an electrification project in seven sectors. Currently, only six out of 13 sectors in the district are connected to the national grid."We intend to construct 348 kilometres of tarmac roads, increase clean water distribution, renovate and modernise three hospitals, construct three modern markets and terrace 2,800 hectares of land,” Ruboneza revealed.He noted that 7,000 cows will be donated to the poor, and further disclosed plans to construct a stadium and three Technical VocationalEducational Training (TVET) schools.The event took place at Hindiro sector offices – the venue of Kagame’s presidential campaign rally in the district in 2010.The function was witnessed by about 60,000 people who warmly welcomedthe Head of State, as they chanted and waved national flags.Kagame told Ngororero residents that the solutions to their problems lie within themselves, adding that by unveiling the new development plan, he was fulfilling part of his promise during the 2010 election campaigns.He pointed out that the achievements made by Ngororero should serve asmotivation to work even harder for further success.The President underlined that poverty reduced by 12 percent countrywide over the past five years, making Rwanda one of the five countries, worldwide, to have registered such quick progress.There cannot be success without partnership, good governance, commitment and hardworking, he observed.Kagame told the residents that whereas the district is not short of challenges; the biggest predicament is failure to have a solution to problems.He donated three cows to three needy residents.Following his remarks, President Kagame opened up the interactive session with Ngororero residents sharing their views on matters affecting their lives.Margarita Nyirabanyaga, a mother of ten, and an artisan who makes handbags from plastic threads, shared her success story."When the government banned polythene bags, I was able to benefit more from my skills because I started to get market for my products... for that reason, I am happy to give the President a bag as a gift,” remarked Nyirabanyaga, as she handed her present to the Head of State.