Let’s come to the aid of Egide Ntihabose

Editor, Instead of being a medical issue, I think it's all about money. Members of Ibuka or FARG should step in and make sure that Egide Ntihabose gets proper medical attention!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Editor,Instead of being a medical issue, I think it's all about money. Members of Ibuka or FARG should step in and make sure that Egide Ntihabose gets proper medical attention!

We all know that we don't have all the doctors we need locally to do the right surgery for this particular case, but let us give this young man a chance! Four years are more than enough for something well known to be curable!!!MA Erick, Boston,**********I commend the courage of the young man, Egide Ntihabose, but do kindly request University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK) and Ministry of Health to help him recuperate be assured of a bright future. He misses school, he is an orphan of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, and he has been in hospital for the last four years! What did Ibuka do about it?  What did FARG do for him? Let us all work together to help our young people to leave a decent life and have a bright future. Jojo, Nyarugenge