Response to Diana Mpyisi’s commentary “The Phenomenal effect of Power on African Presidents”

Editor, I am very much impressed by the article titled “The Phenomenal effect of Power on African Presidents” by Diana Mpyisi. You have captured almost the truth of the whole affair; however, many of these leaders remain in power to safeguard themselves from economic crimes, human rights violations etc committed during their time in office.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Editor,I am very much impressed by the article titled "The Phenomenal effect of Power on African Presidents” by Diana Mpyisi. You have captured almost the truth of the whole affair; however, many of these leaders remain in power to safeguard themselves from economic crimes, human rights violations etc committed during their time in office.

So, choosing a family or relative as many ex-presidents have done is to evade the long arms of the law and conviction for past crimes.Henry ShengeSweden