Children need enough sleep

It is holiday time and you must busy helping your parents, taking care of your pets, running around with friends and practicing different sports and games.

Monday, April 14, 2008

It is holiday time and you must busy helping your parents, taking care of your pets, running around with friends and practicing different sports and games.

By the end of the day you are tired, and you need a break. Sleeping is generally essential for you. It allows your body to rest for the next day’s activities.

Sleeping is not only necessary for your body health, but also equally important for the health of your brains too.

When your body doesn’t get enough resting hours, it affects your ability to think clearly hence affecting your learning abilities.

Children who do not have enough sleep, may not grow well. Too little sleep can affect children’s growth and their immune system which protects them from getting sick.

So dear children, do what you’re supposed to do in the right time and reserve your self enough time of sleeping for the good of your health.
