Four arrested for illegal mineral trade

KAYONZA- Police in Kabarondo has arrested three people suspected of being involved in illegal cassiterite mining in Rwinkwavu Sector.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Burundian registered vehicle that has been used to unlawfully ferry cassiterite in Rwinkwavu is parked at Kabarondo Police station.

KAYONZA- Police in Kabarondo has arrested three people suspected of being involved in illegal cassiterite mining in Rwinkwavu Sector.The suspects, Athanase Ntiyibigira alias Ntingiri, Theoneste Kwikosora, Abuba Ntiyonzima and Vianney Ugirumukiza were arrested with 16 kilogrammes of cassiterite en route to Kigali.Police spokesman Superintendent Theos Badege, confirmed the arrests saying that Police was duty bound to see that laws were respected.He maintained that illegal mining was a breach of the law, noting that justice would take its course."This should be clear to all illegal miners...that no one will be allowed to break that law. So, the arrests were in that line and all illegal miners should stay warned,” he underlined.Illegal mining has been a big issue in Rwinkwavu that came to its peak when illegal miners locally known as Imarata, clashed with police in November last year.Residents said the group, including one Rashid Gatabazi, who managed to escape, have been running the trade using a Burundian registered vehicle.According to Abdul Karim, an official who represents the Director General of Rwinkwavu Wolfram Mining and Processing Company, the suspects were trailed for long before they were arrested.Karim said that the racket was affecting the whole mining industry, adding that culprits should be punished as a deterrent. He, however, lamented that the apprehension of offenders was at times rendered ineffective as they were often set free."It is a kind of desperate situation... we invest a lot of time and resources to help in arresting people involved in the traffic, but they never get punished accordingly. This is where all stakeholders must come in to find a solution,” he noted.Abdul Karim said that those under arrest belonged to the well known group of smugglers, who even paid thugs to assault employees of recognised companies. A mining expert, at the Ministry of Natural Resources Fidel Uwizeye, said there should be no reason for people to engage in illegal mining as opportunities were open for legal mining."There are heavy penalties for illegal miners...but why should people get into such problems? It is a question of applying with a viable project and you get a mining licence,” he advised.